Misconceptions Kidney Transplants

Some common misconceptions regarding Kidney Transplants. Read on to understand more about the kidney transplant.

Common Misconceptions regarding Kidney Transplants.

Myth 1: Kidney diseases can be cured with a transplant

Fact 1: A transplant is not a cure for kidney diseases, it is a treatment. Though the transplant can reduce the risk of chronic kidney diseases, you will need to follow a healthy lifestyle to reduce the possibility of diabetes, and cancer as well as other infections.

Myth 2: Younger people are eligible to get a kidney transplant

Fact 2: Anybody who is suffering from end-stage renal disease is the right candidate to get a kidney transplant.

Myth 3: The patient can die if the transplant fails

Fact 3: No. In case the transplant does not work the recipient can start or resume dialysis or pursue another transplant.

Myth 4: Anybody can be a living donor

Fact 4: According to the Indian transplant act, a living donor can only be the recipient’s first-degree blood relative, i.e. mother, father, brother, sister, or spouse on the emotional ground. All kidney transplant patients personally arrange their legal donor. According to the Indian transplant act, a living donor can only be the recipient’s first-degree blood relative, i.e. mother, father, brother, sister, or spouse on the emotional ground. All kidney transplant patients personally arrange their legal donor.

Myth 5: Dialysis is better than having a transplant done

Fact 5: Incorrect. Patients who have a transplant live longer than patients who stay on dialysis. The transplanted kidney works a whole day to remove total waste from the body. Dialysis removes a little amount of waste only when the dialysis machine works.

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